We prepared our response to the actual situation of global pandemic

Our response to the actual situation of global pandemic is meant to ensure the health, hygiene and safety of clients, workers and neighbours. Also to be an active part in fighting against the coronavirus spread.

Except for certain rules about the access to the lobby or elevators, which may be compulsory to be fulfilled in order to comply with the Government recommendations; the rest are strict rules only for our staff members, and kind recommendations for our clients. So don’t worry at all, we are expecting our clients to stay at us enjoying and not worrying with super strict requirements.

We don’t want that our service become strict, inflexible or unbearable.  It is another important goal to make clients feel comfortable and at home as we always intended to do since our opening.

Clean & Safe

A full professional disinfection of our apartments is made before to be given to a new client, as well as strict protocols which annuls the possibility of infecting the apartment from the moment of the cleaning until the guest arrives.

Let’s be transparent, do you want to know if we are ready for the covid19? Here you can see our full protocol document

Before to give them out to you a special disinfection robot will disinfect the entire apartment, including kitchen and kitchenware as well as textiles. Before that, our staff members will make a deep cleaning in the apartment to ensure it is fully clean and bathroom and kitchen hygiene is warranted.

Our check-in process is completely contactless, detailed instructions about how to arrive and how to access to the apartment will be sent prior arrival.

Every client will be required to fulfil the check-in registration process in an electronical way. The instructions will be sent to you prior arrival, and it will be possible to make the check-in process on your own device (smart telephone, tablet or computer).

All our invoices will be issued electronically. This means that paper invoices will no longer be provided, but an e-invoice will be sent to the customer /payer by email.

Besides the traditional telephone and email, you can reach us with WhatsApp. Our guests don’t need to come to the Front Desk, just drop us a message and we will try to answer immediately.

Your Safety goes First. We redesigned our working procedures to really make everything possible to keep you safe. Here we give answer to the most frequent questions, but in case you are specially interested in something particular, please contact us and we will gladly clarify your doubts.